Trust is the cornerstone to any successful relationship. As professionals we need to project trust, authority, confidence, and empathy.

Roy Morgan conducted an “Image of Professions” online survey in April 2021. They asked 1,267 Australians over the age of 14 which professional they “trusted” the most.

Media professionals, accountants, and lawyers faltered in the eyes of the public. Advertising professionals were rated at the very bottom alongside car salesman.

How do professionals rebuild trust and confidence with their clients and how important is authentic online visual branding?

According to Forbes magazine, there are six building blocks of trust.

Being reliable – staying true to your word and delivering what you promise.

  1. Being seen as a leader in your field – you need to have a proven track record in completing the job at hand and being an authority in your field
  2. Being transparent– keeping your clients and customers informed and engaged in the process is key to earning their trust. Let them know the next steps or if there are any setbacks. This helps them feel that they are a part of the process and there is nothing to hide.
  3. Authenticity and Empathy – Always say what you mean and do what you say. Listen to your client and gather all the details before you offer a solution.
  4. Be fair and upfront – Respect and listen to your clients. No relationship is one sided, this holds true in all professional settings
  5. Be open and approachable acknowledge your mistakes and quickly apologise and do what you can to correct the situation. Acknowledging when you have made a mistake will help your client or customer feel free to do the same.

An image quite literally says a thousand words. Through dynamic still and moving images professionals can craft a trustworthy, authentic voice. The team at Sirius Productions will help you create an online presence that instils confidence in your clients.


Roy Morgan Image of Professions Survey 2021 – (Roy Morgan, 2021)


The Essential Importance of Trust  Forbes Magazine  (Jaffe, 2018)

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